Common Questions


How long is a therapy session and what is your rate?

A therapy session is generally 55 minutes.

My rate is $130 per session and I accept payment in the form of cash, check or credit card.


Do you work with any insurance companies?

I am an in-network provider with most Blue Cross & Blue Shield, Cigna and Aetna plans. I am not an HMO provider, nor am I covered by Medicaid or Medicare plans.

If I am in-network, I will bill your insurance company and will collect a co-payment, if any. After the claim is processed you will be billed for your portion if any.

If you choose to see me as an out of network provider for your plan, I will collect the fee at the session and give you a statement that you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.

I am happy to check your benefits prior to the first session so that you will have an idea of what to expect, or you may wish to call your insurance provider to verify your benefits.

Is what we talk about private?

Confidentiality is one of the things that makes a therapy setting effective. People find it helpful to tell a therapist what they would not share with family or friends (for fear of being judged or to avoid burdening them). There are limits to confidentiality. I am bound by state law and a professional code of ethics to maintain confidentiality with the following exceptions:

  • You may provide written consent to allow me to consult with other healthcare providers or individuals.
  • If I have a reason to believe that you will harm yourself or someone else.
  • As a Mandated Reporter, I am obligated to contact Child Welfare Authorities when I hear of child abuse or neglect.